Adding an Advertiser

Adding advertisers is an integral part of managing your ad delivery, as it helps you allocate campaigns to specific entities.

You can add new advertisers to the platform either through User Privileges or Admin Privileges. The process is as easy as registering for an account, and you can complete this entire procedure from the Advertisers tab.

What is the Advertisers Tab?

The Advertisers tab is the main screen for managing advertisers, allowing you to efficiently add and organize all of the advertiser's campaigns, creatives, and reports.

The Advertisers tab is located in the left-hand menu of the platform, under the Manage section.

How to Add a New Advertiser

1. Press the Add Advertiser Button

  1. Navigate to the Advertisers tab in the left-hand menu of Sevio AdManager.
  2. Click the Add Advertiser button to start creating a new advertiser account.

2. Complete the New Advertiser Form


  1. Enter the name of your advertiser in the designated field. Remember that each advertiser can have multiple campaigns, which you can assign to specific ad zones.
  2. Once you've entered the advertiser's name, click the Add Advertiser button again to finish the process.

After completing these steps, the new advertiser account will be created and added to your Sevio AdManager dashboard. You can now manage your advertiser's campaigns, creatives, and reports from the Advertisers tab.

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